
Even though most of the equipment we train on is powered by diesel, at the Diggerland Plant Training School we take our environmental responsibility seriously. Here are some of the ways in which we make a positive impact on the planet.

Solar PowerSolar Icon

All of the Diggerland site, including the Training School uses solar power as the primary source of electricity. You will see PV solar panels located on the roofs of the buildings on the site. These panels were installed over a period of 5 years and they produce an infinite amount of sustainable energy.

Bio-Mass and Ground Source Heat Pumps

Electricity isn’t the only fossil fuel source we have replaced. Our Diggerland site utilises bio-mass boilers, powered using wood chips and other sustainable resources to power it. The on-site heating is further improved using ground source heat pumps.


Waste Reduction

All supplies and resources we use at the Diggerland Plant Training School are sustainably resourced where possible. We also vigorously reuse and recycle as much as possible to reduce the effect on the environment. We encourage our clients to bring refillable water bottles to further help reduce plastic waste.

Company Cars That Are Good for the Planet

Our trainers are supplied with electric vehicles to further reduce any

 impact on the environment. Furthermore, these cars are charged on site using solar power for even greater sustainability.


Electric Vehicle Charging Points

We like to encourage everyone to travel to our Training School by sustainable methods where possible. For that reason we have electric vehicle charge points available for our staff, clients and other guests.

Use of Digital TechnologyDigital

As we try to cut down on waste as much as possible, we use computers and other electronics instead of paper where we can. When we have to print any documents out, we use recycled paper for the job.